Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your roses grown?

Our bush roses are grown in California and Arizona.

What is the key to growing beautiful roses?

Start with a quality soil that is high in organic matter and well drained.

What is the difference between a patent and a non-patent rose?

A patent grants the hybridizer or the company that invented a new rose variety the exclusive right to market that variety. The patent duration is 20 years. Once the patent period has expired, the variety is sold as a non-patent. However, some rose varieties are never patented.

What is a hybrid tea rose?

A hybrid tea rose bush is medium to tall in habit and produces large well-formed blooms, usually borne singly on sturdy stems that are suitable for cutting. Hybrid teas are best planted in mixed beds or as a single plant.

What is a grandiflora rose?

A grandiflora is similar to a hybrid tea, but develop large well-formed clusters of flowers on sturdy stems that may be suitable for cutting. Grandifloras are best planted in mixed beds or as a single plant.

What is a floribunda rose?

A floribunda rose is a free flowering plant that generates generous clusters of medium size blooms. The plant is often compact in habit with medium length stems. Use in mass plantings and borders.

What is a climbing rose?

A climbing rose grows with long canes that can be trained to grow on trellises, fences, and walls. The blooms sizes and forms vary.

What is a shrub rose?

A shrub rose is a very strong blooming plant with a varied range in bloom sizes. The size of the plant also varies, but the overall shape is attractive. The plant is usually disease resistant, hardy, and, generally, not budded.

What soil mix do you recommend for potting?

Soil mixes vary in the different regions of the country, but a good rule of thumb is 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, and 1/3 bark. The mix should be moisture retentive but well drained.

Is it a good idea to use mulches in the rose garden?
Absolutely, there are many reasons for a thick layer of mulch (2 to 4″). Mulch reduces evaporation conserving water, prevents weeds, and helps regulate soil temperature.

How much sun do roses need?

Roses prefer full sun but will perform well with at least 6 hours of sunlight a day.

What type of fertilizer do you recommend?

It is best to fertilize potted roses after they have developed 3″ to 5″ of new growth. Do not fertilize or add root stimulator at the time of planting. Instead, we recommend fertilizing after each bloom cycle with a balanced fertilizer (13-13-13).

Should I prune my roses before planting?

Always prune your roses before planting. Cut the canes to an 8″ to 10″ length from the bud union, if budded, or the same length from the top of the root mass if they are own root roses. Also, remove any dead or broken canes and tip the roots.

In what size pot should I plant my roses?

Pot size will vary with the grade of bush. A #1 grade rose is best planted in a 3-gallon pot and a #1 1/2 grade rose is best planted in a 2-gallon pot.

How much should I water my roses?

Roses need at least one inch of water a week. Check the moisture level by hand and water as needed to keep plants moist. Water the pot and avoid wetting the leaves. Also, make sure that your roses have good air circulation.

Does soaking bare-root rose before potting make any difference in the plant’s ability to perform?

One of the most important factors in the performance of a bare-root rose is proper hydration. If possible, soak your roses overnight before potting.

How far apart should I plant my bush roses?

  • Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora roses should be planted 30” to 36” apart. Each plant will cover an area of about 6 to 10 square feet.
  • Floribunda roses should be planted 24” to 30” apart. Each plant will cover an area of about 4 to 6 square feet.
  • Large shrub roses should be planted 30” to 36” apart. Each plant will cover an area of about 6 to 10 square feet.
  • Small shrub roses should be planted 24” to 30” apart. Each plant will cover an area of about 4 to 6 square feet.
  • Miniature roses should be planted 12” to 18” apart. Each plant will cover an area of about 1 to 2 square feet.
  • Climbing roses should be planted 4 to 5 feet apart.

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